TCMC now offers private mindful yoga classes. Taught by Lorelei Patrick, private yoga classes are beneficial because they are tailored to the student’s specific needs. All persons can benefit from private yoga sessions including:


  • Beginners who are not yet ready to join a group class
  • Those who question their flexibility and believe they cannot do yoga
  • Those who are unable to get down and up from the floor easily
  • Those who are elderly or disabled
  • Those who prefer to do yoga from a chair
  • Seasoned practitioners suffering with chronic pain or joint/muscle difficulty
  • Seasoned practitioners who want to deepen their practice.
  • Overweight individuals who want to start an exercise program
  • Those suffering from depression or anxiety who will benefit from individual attention
  • Any individual who wants to heal


Classes will be 60-75 minutes in length. The fee is $50-$60 based on a sliding scale, 40% of which will go to TCMC. Please call Lorelei at 724-228-9475 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about private yoga.