Back Yard

Back Yard

Lovingkindness and Mindfulness

From July 7 until Nov. 13 this class will only be meeting online on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 7:30, since Chuong will be traveling.

"Like a spring that flows naturally in the wilderness, True Love streams forth from the unfixated mind and body. "

The three skill sets which help us to experience this Present moment are : "Concentration – Clarity – Equanimity ".

Each month, we will work with a different sense gate or a combination of sense gates, in motion or stillness with variety of techniques to enrich our daily life practice. The class consists of guided meditations, and discussion. This approach to meditation is based on " The Five Ways " of Shinzen Young, which encourages the practice of creativity and Love.

All are welcome.
To receive the Zoom link for online attendance, please contact Chuong at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This class and TCMC are supported by your generous donations. We have a mortgage, utilities and insurance expenses.
To make a donation to TCMC please go here.  

Back Yard Back Yard

About Chuong Tran:

For 20 years I was a student of meditation in my home country, Viet-Nam, where I practiced the Mahayana form. This was interrupted when I moved to the United States in 1991, which led to a state of depression. Fortunately, I found my way to Mary McWhorther’s garage which was the first TCMC sangha. I have been practicing Vipassana meditation ever since. In 1999, I helped Mary run monthly workshops for beginners. In 2000, I lead some TCMC classes, and in 2001, I started the weekly Wednesday night Metta (Lovingkindness) class. Shinzen Young is my main teacher. My spiritual life has also been influenced by Eric Kolvig, Thich Nhat Hanh, Steven Smith and Sharon Salzberg. This led to positive approach to my own practice and mentoring.